Thursday, October 4, 2012

Gym Diary: Friday, October 5, 2012

Weight before breakfast was 69.6 (152 lbs)
Weight before gym: 70.2
Weight after lunch:  Oops!  I forgot to write it down.

     I'm re-organizing my workouts, and that's requiring me to think a bit.  I want to make efficient use of time while employing workout strategies that are satisfying for me.  I think I can get away with doing "good mornings," dead lifts, leg extensions, leg curls, Swiss ball jackknifes, Swiss ball pike peaks, and triceps exercises on the same day that I do some chest exercises.  On the alternating day, I can do squats, chops, rows, leg raises, hip cross overs, hip raises, and bicep curls.  I'll experiment with these ideas.

Workout Summary:
  1. Deeper Squats 30 x 10
  2. Dumbbell curls 18 x 8 (alternating each arm)
  3. R dumbbell low chops 6 kg x 20
  4. L dumbbell low chops 6 x 20
  5. Center chops 8 x 14
  6. Hip cross overs 15 (alternating each side 15 times)
  7. Deeper Squats 35 x 11
  8. dumbbell curls 18 x 9
  9. R Dumbbell low chops 6 x 20
  10. L Dumbbell low chops 6 x 20
  11. Center dumbbell chops 8 x 14
  12. Hip cross overs 15
  13. Deeper squats 40 x 9
  14. Dumbbell curls 18 x 9
  15. R dumbbell chops 6 x 20
  16. L dumbbell chops 6 x 20
  17. Center dumbbell chops 8 x 14
  18. Hip cross overs 15
  19. inverted rows 11
  20. R cable high chops 5 x 10
  21. L cable high chops 5 x 10
  22. Bridge butt raises 20
  23. Floor leg raises 20
  24. inverted rows 15
  25. R cable high chops 5 x 12
  26. L cable high chops 5 x 12
  27. Bridge butt raises 25
  28. floor leg raises
  29. inverted rows 12
  30. R cable high chops 12
  31. L cable high chops 12
  32. Bridge butt raises 15
  33. floor leg raises 12

Ok, let's do some very amateur poses and 
check out the back and love handles.

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