Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Gym Diary: Thursday, November 1, 2012

     The "berrrrrrrrrrrrr" season is kicking in more day by day.  I'm glad that I wore my gloves while riding my bike to the gym.

Workout Summary
  1. pull ups 7
  2. Swiss ball jack knife 15
  3. deadlifts 40 x 11
  4. lying leg raises 25
  5. pull ups 7
  6. Swiss ball jack knife 18
  7. dead lifts 40 x 12
  8. lying leg raises 25
  9. pull ups 7
  10. Swiss ball jack knife 17
  11. dead lifts 40 x 13
  12. lying leg raises 25
  13. pull ups 7
  14. Swiss ball jack knife 16
  15. dead lifts 40 x 12
  16. lying leg raises 25
  17. inverted rows 15
  18. cable triceps push downs 13 x 15
  19. left hip cross over 10
  20. right hip cross over 10
  21. inverted rows 14
  22. cable triceps push downs 15 x 12
  23. lift hip cross over 10
  24. right hip cross over 10
  25. inverted rows 13
  26. cable triceps push downs 17 x 10
  27. left hip cross over 10
  28. right hip cross over 10
  29. inverted rows 14
  30. cable triceps push downs 17 x 10
  31. left hip cross over 10
  32. right hip cross over 10
  33. floor crunches 20
  34. cable rope center high chops 10 x 10
  35. lateral pull downs 15 x 8
  36. cable rope center high chops 10 x 11
  37. lateral pull downs 15 x 5
  38. floor crunches 35
  39. cable rope center high chops 10 x 10
  40. lateral pull downs 14 x 8
  41. floor crunches 25
  42. cable rope center high chops 10 x 10
  43. lateral pull downs 14 x 8

Monday, October 29, 2012

Gym Diary: Tuesday, October 30, 2012

     Ok! Sometimes, making pictures can be difficult.  Anyway, about the above -- place belly on the ball, lean on elbows with forearms forward, raise straight legs as high as I can.

Workout Summary

  1. Pull ups / Chin ups 7
  2. cable triceps push downs 12 x 12
  3. Swiss ball crunches 30
  4. Swiss ball reverse hip raises 20
  5. pull ups 7
  6. cable triceps push downs 13 x 13
  7. Swiss ball crunches 30
  8. Swiss ball reverse hip raises 20
  9. pull ups 7
  10. cable triceps push downs 14 x 14
  11. Swiss ball crunches 35
  12. Swiss ball reverse hip raises 20
  13. pull ups 7
  14. cable triceps push downs 15 x 13
  15. Swiss ball crunches 30
  16. Swiss ball reverse hip raises 20
  17. lateral pull downs 14 x 9
  18. shoulder machine 10 x 9
  19. inner thigh machine 8 x 8
  20. incline sit ups 15
  21. lateral pull downs 15 x 8
  22. shoulder machine 10 x 9
  23. inner thigh machine 8 x 11
  24. incline sit ups 16
  25. lateral pull downs 16 x 9
  26. shoulder machine 10 x 10
  27. inner thigh machine 8 x 12
  28. incline sit ups 19
  29. lateral pull downs 17 x 6
  30. shoulder machine 10 x 9
  31. inner thigh machine 8 x 12
  32. incline sit ups 16

Ok, I like this picture.


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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Gym Diary: Monday, October 29, 2012

     I caught more fish in five hours on a sea on Sunday than I've caught in my entire life prior to that.  It was my first time ever to have gone fishing on a sea.  I didn't finish the day liking fish and/or fishing any more than before, but I did enjoy the day nonetheless.

Workout Summary

  1. dips 14
  2. seated rows 11 x 10
  3. leg curls 9 x 8
  4. dips 14
  5. 12 x 10
  6. leg curls 9 x 8
  7. dips 15
  8. seated rows 13 x 10
  9. leg curls 9 x 8

Workout Summary

  1. Flat bench barbell chest press 60 x 8
  2. Standing cable rope rows 7 x 15
  3. Flat bench barbell chest press 60 x 9
  4. Standing cable rope rows 10 x 20
  5. Flat bench barbell chest press 60 x 8
  6. Standing cable rope rows 13 x 15
  7. Flat bench barbell chest press 60 x 8
  8. Standing cable rope rows 13 x 15

Workout Summary

  1. Decline bench chest press 100 x 15
  2. Decline bench chest press 130 x 8
  3. Decline bench chest press 120 x 8

Workout Summary

  1. pec dec 9 x 12
  2. rope pull downs 10 x 10
  3. rope high rows 10 x 12
  4. pec dec 9 x 13
  5. rope pull downs 12 x 8
  6. rope high rows 12 x 9
  7. pec dec 9 x 13
  8. rope pull downs 12 x 9
  9. rope high rows 12 x 10

Workout Summary

  1. flye machine 20 x 9
  2. rope high center chop 9 x 9
  3. flye machine 20 x 8
  4. rope high center chop 9 x 9
  5. flye machine 20 x 9
  6. rope high center chop 9 x 8

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Gym Diary: Friday, October 26, 2012

     I'm just an everyday kind of guy 
who enjoys working out at the gym.  

Workout Summary

  1. pull ups on straight bar 5
  2. good mornings 20 x 11
  3. leg curls 10 x 6
  4. pull ups 7
  5. good mornings 20 x 11
  6. leg curls 10 x 6
  7. pull ups 6
  8. good mornings 40 x 9
  9. leg curls 10 x 5
  10. pull ups 7
  11. good mornings 40 x 9
  12. leg curls 9 x 9
  13. right side bends 25 x 15
  14. left side bends 25 x 15
  15. squats 70 x 8
  16. barbell triceps extensions 15 x 11
  17. right side bends 25 x 15
  18. left side bends 25 x 15
  19. squats 70 x 8
  20. barbell triceps extensions 15 x 11
  21. right side bends 25 x 15
  22. left side bends 25 x 15
  23. squats 70 x 10
  24. barbell triceps extensions 15 x 11
  25. seated rows 10 x 12
  26. shoulder machine 10 x 9
  27. inner thighs machine 8 x 11
  28. seated rows 11 x 10
  29. shoulder machine 10 x 10
  30. inner thighs machine 8 x 11
  31. seated rows 12 x 10
  32. shoulder machine 10 x 11

Gym Diary: Thursday, October 25, 2012

Workout Summary

  1. flat bench barbell chest press 60 x 12
  2. plank 60 seconds
  3. floor crunches 25
  4. flat bench barbell chest press 60 x 11
  5. plank 60 seconds
  6. floor crunches 25
  7. flat bench barbell chest press 65 x 9
  8. plank 60 seconds
  9. floor crunches 25
  10. flat bench dumbbell chest press 30 (each arm) x 11
  11. floor crunches 40
  12. dumbbell arm curls 20 x 5
  13. flat bench dumbbell chest press 30 x 10
  14. floor crunches 50
  15. dumbbell arm curls 20 x 6
  16. flat bench dumbbell chest press 30 x 9
  17. floor crunches 50
  18. dumbbell arm curls 20 x 5
  19. dips 15
  20. preacher machine curls 12 x 8
  21. floor crunches 50
  22. dips 15
  23. preacher machine curls 12 x 9
  24. floor crunches 50
  25. dips 15
  26. preacher machine curls 12 x 8
  27. floor crunches 50
  28. cable flyes 6 x 10
  29. cable flyes 8 x 10
  30. cable flyes 9 x 11
  31. cable flyes 10 x 9