Monday, September 10, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Weight before breakfast was 71.0.
Weight before going to gym was 71.8
Weight after returning from gym was 71.9 (I guess the water I drank added weight.)
Weight after lunch was 72.5.

Ok!  Let's get going!

      I don't do squats too deep.  I'll blame my long legs for that.  Still, I enjoy doing them.  Yes, I enjoy that huffin and puffin feeling I get after doing a set.  I've never aimed for BIG legs.  I use squats to strengthen my legs, butt, and back.  

      I've read (along with reasons for saying so) that leg extension exercises are one that everyone can skip.  I like to do them as a kind of counter balance thing between it and leg curls.  There's gotta be some strength building going on somewhere, because I'm able to use more weight that when I first did them. 

My workout summary 
(I did the following in one hour). 

  1. squats 30 kg (plus the bar) x 10
  2. seated rows 10 x 11
  3. leg curls 9 x 8
  4. shrugs 30 kg (each arm) x 8
  5. leg extension 10 x 10
  6. upright rows 10 kg x 10
  7. lateral pull downs 12 x 10
  8. squats 50 x 11
  9. seated rows 10 x 12
  10. leg curls 9 x 9
  11. shrugs 30 x 10
  12. leg extensions 10 x 9
  13. upright rows 10 x 11
  14. lateral pull downs 12 x 9
  15. squats 60 x 10
  16. seated rows 11 x 10
  17. leg curls 9 x 9
  18. shrugs 30 x 10
  19. leg extensions 11 x 10
  20. upright rows 10 x 9
  21. lateral pull downs 12 x 12
  22. squats 65 x 8
  23. seated rows 13 x 10
  24. leg curls 9 x 8
  25. shrugs 30 x 10
  26. leg extensions 12 x 7
  27. upright rows 10 x 10
  28. lateral pull downs 13 x 10
  29. flat crunches 30  (I just threw these in for the heck of it.)

      I fill this water container up at the beginning of my workout.  This container helps me monitor my water intake.  Usually, I drink about 750 ml. per workout session.  Sometimes a little more.  Sometimes a little less.  Sometimes, I end up having to pee often later in the day, but I guess that's really a good thing.

I saw this while riding my bike home.

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