Monday, September 17, 2012

Gym Diary: Monday, September 17, 2012

 "Beam me up, God!  I want to talk to you
about all this rain that's been falling all day!"

     Last week a typhoon hit the west side of South Korea.  This week, a typhoon began hitting South Korea on the east side.  Today, rain fell nonstop while I was at the gym and continued falling throughout the day.

     While I was in the middle of my workout, my boss sent me a text saying we would not work today due to the weather.  I love my job, but I didn't mind having the day off.  So, I decided to extend my workout time and, maybe, experiment with a few new exercises that I had read about on the Internet while surfing all weekend.

     I found out where the mats are kept at the gym.  So I made a little set up where I could do dumbbell curls and planks.  

I did my first circuit of exercises like this.

  1. flat bench press 60 x 8
  2. dumbbell curls 18 (each arm) x 7
  3. plank 45 seconds
  4. flat bench 60 x 9
  5. dumbbell curls 18 x 8
  6. plank 60 seconds
  7. flat bench press 60 x 10
  8. dumbbell curls 18 x 7
  9. plank 60 seconds
  10. flat bench press 60 x 11
  11. dumbbell curls 18 x 7
  12. plank 60 seconds 

     I moved the blue mat over to the cable machine where I did a few new exercises.  I'm not sure that I did them correctly, so I'll be looking at demonstrations about them on the Internet.  Anyway, since I had some extra time, and it was RAINING outside, I decided to try them out.

     One of them was a reverse crunch using the straight bar, that I would pull with my feet, on the cable machine.  Another was a pull over chest exercise using the same bar, but changing the weight setting.  Another was a forward crunch using the rope on the other side of the cable machine.

I did my second circuit like this:

  1. reverse cable crunch 2 x 10
  2. triceps extension 13 x 20
  3. pull over 5 x 12
  4. standing upright dumbbell press 10 x 10
  5. reverse crunch 4 x 10
  6. triceps extension 13 x 20
  7. pull over 12 x 7
  8. standing upright dumbbell press 10 x 12
  9. reverse cable crunch 4 x 8
  10. triceps extensions 16 x 12
  11. pull over 11 x 9
  12. standing upright dumbbell press 12 x 12
  13. reverse cable crunch 4 x 7
  14. triceps extensions 16 x 13
  15. pull over 13 x 8
  16. standing upright dumbbell press 12 x 12

I did my third circuit like this:
  1. dumbbell hammer curls 18 x 7
  2. decline bench press 100 x 14
  3. rope forward crunch 9 x 20
  4. rope forward crunch 12 x 20
  5. rope forward crunch 15 x 20
  6. dumbbell hammer curls 18 x 7
  7. decline bench press 120 x 8
  8. rope forward crunch 15 x 20
  9. dumbbell hammer curls 18 x 7
  10. elevated leg plank 60 seconds
  11. rope forward crunch 15 x 28
  12. decline bench press 120 x 8
  13. decline crunch 20

For my fourth circuit, I did these:

  1. preacher bar triceps extensions 14 x 10
  2. preacher curls 15 x 10
  3. elevated legs plank 60 seconds
  4. elevated legs crunches 30
  5. preacher triceps extensions 14 x 11
  6. preacher curls 15 x 11
  7. elevated legs plank 60 seconds
  8. elevated legs crunches 34
  9. preacher triceps extensions 14 x 11
  10. preacher curls 15 x 12
  11. elevated legs plank 60 seconds
  12. elevated legs crunches 30

      Ooooo!  Those colored plates look so good together!

I did my fifth circuit like this:
  1. flat bench wide chest press 50 x 10
  2. machine preacher curls 13 x 6
  3. flat bench wide chest press 50 x 8
  4. incline sit ups 13
  5. flat bench wide chest press 50 x 9
  6. machine preacher curls 13 x 7
  7. incline sit ups 14
  8. flat bench wide chest press 50 x 8
  9. machine preacher curls 13 x 7
  10. flat crunches 30
  11. rope triceps extensions 10 x 10
  12. rope triceps extensions 8 x 12
  13. rope triceps extensions 6 x 9

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