Monday, September 17, 2012

Gym Diary: Tuesday, September 18, 2012

     70.7 is what the scale said this morning.  Yea!  That's more like what I want.  Gosh!  Why is it so easy to put on a few kg., but so difficult to take them off???

     71.0 is what the scales said after gym.  I forgot to weigh myself after lunch.  Oh well!

      I made my own world of things, so I could do a few rounds.

  1. Squats 30 x 15
  2. Dumbbell bent (arms moving together) rows 12 x 15
  3. Shoulder Shrugs 30 (each arm) x 10
  4. Butt push 15
  5. Squats 30 x 12
  6. Dumbbell bent rows 12 x 16
  7. Shoulder Shrugs 30 x 10
  8. Butt push 20
  9. Squats 50 x 12
  10. Dumbbell bent row 18 x 11
  11. Shrugs 30 x 10
  12. Butt push 25

13.  Roman chair dead lift 60 x 10
14.  Left arm bent row 18 x 11
15.  Right arm bent row 18 x 11
16.  Shrugs 30 x 10
17.  Leg curls 9 x 8
18.  Butt push 20

19. Roman chair dead lift 60 x 9
20.  Left arm bent row 18 x 11
21.  Right arm bent row 18 x 11
22.  Shrugs 30 x 10
23.  Leg curls 9 x 8
24.  Butt push 20

25.  Roman chair dead lift 60 x 8
26.  Left arm bent row 18 x 10
27.  Right arm bent row 18 x 10
28.  Shrugs 30 x 10
29.  Leg curls 9 x 8
30.  Butt push 35

31.  Just for the heck of it, I threw in 30 alternating side bends using an 18 kg dumbbell in each hand.

     On that plate was baked white fish sprinkled with black pepper and dotted with hot sauce, steamed spinach topped with Gouda cheese, and half an Asian pear sliced.

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